Welcome to the Village Voices website
- We are a relaxed and friendly group of singers based in Walgrave, Northamptonshire. We put on classical choral music concerts, under the expert direction of Ian Clarke – click here for a potted history. After a long break for the Covid lockdown, we are now back rehearsing!
We are always on the lookout for new members. You don’t necessarily have to be an expert or trained in music, just sing enthusiastically in tune with your fellow members. We charge a termly subscription, currently £40. Click here for membership details.
Forthcoming events: - Christmas Concert 2024: Friday, 13th December. Our main pieces are some beautiful contrasting choral works of Purcell (Magnificat and Nunc dimittis) and Poulenc (Gloria). As usual for Christmas, we shall include some carols, both for the choir and for the audience to join in. More details on the concert page. First rehearsal (without Ian) Thursday 5th September, then start in earnest Thursday 19th September.