Useful referencesMusic
There are some collections that we shall often sing from, so it is useful for you to have your own copies. European Sacred Music, ed. Rutter, Oxford University Press 100 Carols for Choirs, ed. Willcocks and Rutter, Oxford University Press. (This is the white book in the Carols for Choirs series. Occasionally we shall sing from other books in the series.) CPDL (Choral Public domain Library, also known as ChoralWiki) This a website with many out-of-copyright pieces that you can download for free, then print out for yourself. Often this is a convenient way to distribute the music we sing. If it's not so convenient for you, ask if other choir members can do it for you. Click here for the home page. Learning websites
CyberBass John Fletcher's Rehearsal Files: includes mp3 files for individual parts. Much of the material is free. - their midi archive is no longer maintained but still has many choral pieces including those from the European Sacred Music book. (Unfortunately, those from 100 carols for Choirs appear to be unavailable now.) Their music guide has basic information about musical terminology and notation, enough basics to give you a fighting chance if it's still all a mystery to you. Musopen Carols: Once you have have started getting familiar with your part, it can be helpful to sing along with videos on YouTube. |